Mel Robbins' compelling brand story & identity.


Mel Robbins

Discovering what makes a brand unique can offer incredible insight into why we are drawn to that brand and why that brand stands out as a whole. I am a fan of Mel Robbins,’ compelled by the energy she offers her audience, what she stands for, and how she goes about delivering her message. She shares her truth in a wonderfully approachable way that breaks down any pretense one might have of her. Her wit, supportive nature, and tell-it-like-it-is approach are genuine. So, for those in a similar category or developing a personal brand, or those who admire her style and would like to show up authentically as Mel does, this article might help you determine your brand strategy and identity. So, here we go.


But first, a little back story on Mel…

👩‍🏫 Mel Robbins is a motivational speaker, author, and coach known for her TEDx talk on the "5 Second Rule" and her best-selling book "The 5 Second Rule" and much more. She has a background in law and worked as a criminal defense attorney before transitioning to speaking and coaching. Mel has spoken to audiences around the world and has been featured in numerous media outlets.


Creating a compelling brand story and identity involves identifying one's unique value proposition and communicating it in a way that resonates with its audience.


👩‍🏫 In the case of Mel Robbins, her personal struggles and success story serve as the foundation for her brand story, emphasizing the power of taking action and overcoming limiting beliefs. Her distinctive voice, direct approach, and relatable messaging have helped establish her as a trusted authority in her industry. 

To create a similar brand strategy:

1: focus on sharing your personal story and values.

2: Identify the specific needs and desires of your target audience.

3: Develop a consistent and compelling message that speaks directly to your ideal audience.

Mel Robbins' visual brand identity:

  1. Mel Robbins' typography logo features her name handwritten, a modern san-serif font, and black letters against a white or unobstructed background. Often highlighted with a vibrant highlighter yellow on her media content.

  2. This style signals her as intellectual, trustworthy, straightforward, and approachable.

  3. The eyeglasses on her logo (see social media posts) visually call out the iconic black-framed eyewear she wears daily.

  4. The use of impactful and motivational quotes and media from Mel, generally presented in classic yet simplistic black and white (with bursts of yellow), are a key part of her instantly recognizable visual identity and content.


Actionable Storytelling + Identity:

Now that we can see how Mel Robbins uses simple yet effective brand identity elements and marks to establish brand recognition, we can see how this visual approach is easily identifiable while having a maximum impact on her media across her various channels. Her brand strategy is clearly defined when she shares her message; she always returns to the same principles, empowering others to take action and overcome limiting beliefs to have a shift in their lives and find improvement. As you can see, Mel has a clearly defined brand strategy and identity; now that you understand this, you can too.

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to apply to your brand strategy and identity to achieve a similar approach.

❓ How can I create a brand with a simple, clear, concise message that can be consistently repeated across media channels and easily identifiable to my audience?

❓ How can I share my personal story in a way that invites people along my journey while still feeling authentic to me?

❓ How can I focus my content around the needs of my audience so that they feel like I’m talking to them and helping them solve a problem(s) in an area of their lives?

I hope this example of taking a look at Mel Robbins’ brand strategy and identity helps you further define your brand and connect more deeply with your audience.

Written by Nia Dara
Nia Dara

Great Design Invites Curiosity,

Great Storytelling Invites Connection.

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